What Makes an Eye-Catching Book Cover?

What Makes an Eye-Catching Book Cover?

The number of books published each year is estimated to be somewhere between 600,000 and 1 million. If you want your book to be a success, you need to do everything in your power to help it stand out among the admittedly massive crowd. One of the best ways to do that is by choosing an absolutely eye-catching cover for your book.

8 Ways to Make Your Nonfiction Writing More Engaging

8 Ways to Make Your Nonfiction Writing More Engaging

It can be tough to find writing tips that apply to you when you’re a nonfiction writer. Most guides are geared toward crafting an intriguing plot or developing fascinating characters. But when you’re writing nonfiction, you don’t have the freedom to come up with thrilling plot twists or quirky character details to make the story more interesting. You have to work with the facts at hand, which can certainly feel limiting at times.

7 Tips for Boosting Your Productivity as a Writer

7 Tips for Boosting Your Productivity as a Writer

It’s easy to call yourself a writer. It’s harder to have something to show for it.

Many writers struggle with productivity (we can’t all be James Patterson). Even if you have an absolutely amazing idea for a book, it can be hard to motivate yourself to actually start writing it. You might write daily, but if you’re only able to write a few hundred words before you lose focus, it’ll take a long time to produce something more substantial.